The 07 (46807)

The 07, defined by the 46807 zip code in Fort Wayne, has taken on a life and spirit of its own. The area is filled with front porch communities where you know your neighbors' names, can view a wide variety of public art, and take in the beauty of historic homes, tree-lined streets, and public greenspaces. It is also fortunate to have a wide variety of locally owned small businesses.

Tour the area with a local resident!

Feature Story Reusser is a marketing agency located in Roanoke that maintains a full-time, four-day work week.
Feature Story Server Sheila Williams serves a plate of country sausage gravy and biscuits with a side of bacon at Cindy's Diner, 230 W. Berry St.
Feature Story Andre Portee is the Fort Wayne artist and creator of AbsorbALL, renovating basketball courts at local parks into playable murals.
Feature Story Chalk Walk

#PlacesofNEI: Stroll the Fort Wayne Museum of Art Chalk Walk