
About an hour southwest of Fort Wayne, Wabash is a high-achieving arts community with strong local spirit and Wabash will.

Known for being the first electrically lighted city in the world, this innovative, close knit community packs small town charm where residents actively invest and shape their city's future.

Partner Content Students help design, plant and maintain 52 planter boxes along the streets of Wabash.
Partner Content Students in grades 4-8 received recognition for the scholarships they earned a previous semester in school as part of their participation in the Early Award Scholarship Program.

The Community Foundation’s impact on the Wabash community

Feature Story Indiana 211 connects residents to resources and social services.

What is Indiana 211?

Partner Content David Jimenez, owner of Nordmann's Nook, pulls a baked good from the display case for a customer.
Feature Story A Brightpoint Health Coverage Navigator helping a client.

How Brightpoint is helping Hoosiers understand health coverage

Feature Story NEIECC hosts meetings where attendees can learn about new initiatives and have discussions around early childhood challenges.
Partner Content Maddy Ball works with a co-worker in nutrition services.

Enriching young adults’ lives through work readiness internships

Feature Story Local Food Week is July 26 through August 4.
Feature Story Part of Wabash's charm lies in its historical homes.