Local Food Week offers new ways to experience Northeast Indiana’s food scene

July 26 through August 4 is Northeast Indiana Local Food Network’s annual Local Food Week. Denise Hoff, vice chair of the board at the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network says nonprofits mission is to support the growth of the local food marketplace in Northeast Indiana. Local Food Week is an opportunity for them to increase the visibility of local food producers and businesses.

“This is just our way of promoting our local farmers, producers, and entrepreneurs in the local food scene,” she says.

The ten-day event is packed with over 133 opportunities to learn about how local food is produced, meet the people making local food, and taste local cuisine. 

Those opportunities special events at Fort Wayne’s farmers markets, one-time-only tasting menus at local restaurants, and tours of farms, facilities, orchards, and gardens.

“I think it's just important to know your farmer and where your food is produced and this gives people the opportunity to put a face with all that hard work,” Hoff says.

This is the fifth year the organization has hosted Local Food Week and Hoff says they made a concerted effort this year to branch out this year and include more food producers and businesses across the region. She is particularly excited to celebrate the grand opening of The River Farm Store in Bluffton, which helps kick off the week.

Courtesy Northeast Indiana Local Food NetworkThe River Farm store will celebrate its grand opening during Local Food Week.With such a jam-packed schedule, opportunities are abundant for people of all ages to learn about and celebrate local food and the people who produce it.

Here are four ways to make the most of Local Food Week:

1. Learn something new from local experts
Workshops and demonstrations offer insight into how local professionals create their foods.
Courtesy Northeast Indiana Local Food NetworkLocal Food Week is July 26 through August 4.2. Meet the animals who help make local food production possible
From cattle and sheep to bees and bison, numerous events on the schedule offer the opportunity to meet the animals who are helping produce local foods!

3. Explore the gardens, forests, orchards and facilities producing food

In addition to farms, Local Food Week gives people the chance to tour the gardens, forests, orchards, and facilities that make producing local food possible.

Courtesy Northeast Indiana Local Food NetworkCordes Berry Farm in Roann, Indiana.4. Get a taste of local cuisine

While you can enjoy local cuisine any time of year, Local Food Weeks offers unique opportunities to try something new!
 For more information on Local Food Week events, including which events are easy to visit on the same day, visit the Northeast Indiana Local Food Network’s website.
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Read more articles by Brittany Lantz.

Brittany Lantz is Input Fort Wayne's Managing Editor. Previously she served as Assistant Editor and participated in the College Input Program. She also volunteers for Northeast Indiana Public Radio.