Tech / Innovation

Feature Story What is COVID-19 like for you? Tell us all about it in this creative exercise.

Contribute to our community poem: COVID-19 is...

News After moving to the U.S. with her husband, Yan Wall, right, launched a business in Fort Wayne.
Feature Story Online gaming is rising in popularity as a varsity sport at colleges across the U.S.
News Elgien Richardson launched a mobile hair services business in Fort Wayne called Kingdom Crowns Mobile Haircuts.

A barbershop on-demand? Meet Kingdom Crowns Mobile Haircuts

News RIDME is a Fort Wayne-based app that helps users assess their outfit decisions.
News A 4 oz. ball of mozzarella at the Golfo Di Napoli Dairy Caffè.
Feature Story Chef Toby Miles opened Rail Restaurant & Bar in Westfield, Ind., with his wife Melanie.
News The Workbench's Founder and CEO Jon Rehwaldt