#PeopleofNEI: Davonta, making dreams a reality

Northeast Indiana is evolving. These are the people shaping its future. #PeopleofNEI

This week's feature:

Davonta moved to Fort Wayne for his college education at Indiana Tech. He has lived here for over six years and completed his B.A. and M.B.A. He found love at Indiana Tech, is the founder of @artofbeckham, and feels a strong connection to the people of Fort Wayne. Anyone that spends a few moments with him will be impacted by his positivity and passion. “I am going to stick around Fort Wayne. I love Fort Wayne. The people are what I love. The people keep me here. The people, people, people. I love the food scene and the art scene but it’s the people. There’s a mood here about this city. It makes me want to root for the people I meet, root for the people I look up to, and root for the people I make connections with. I love supporting people and I love that Fort Wayne has that vibe. While I was at Indiana Tech, I fell in love with a Brazilian. She is beautiful inside and outside. She’s my person. I can be myself. She roots for me and is the biggest fan of what I do, and I am her biggest fan. Dating an immigrant has taught me so much about everything. It made me realize how hard it is. It taught me how brave of a journey it is to come to America. It is not easy. You’re taking the ultimate risk and you have to be strong, and she has been that and more. I want to change the world somehow. I want to have a big impact on kids. Every kid is going to have an idea and a dream. We can help them make an idea shine. I want kids to know that there’s somebody that sees the things that they can’t see. You can’t see your idea or your limit until you do it. That is why I created these characters named Idea, Dream, and Knox the Box. I competed in Track and Field/Cross Country at Indiana Tech but broke my foot four times in three years. I knew I couldn’t run but I could draw. That is what I did. It inspired my characters and my TED Talk. These characters are now family. They are like my truth at the deepest point of my core and they are trying to communicate something. They are original. It’s complete inspiration. I want them to reach the world. I know that’s the challenge but I think they deserve that.” #PeopleofNEI

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Read more articles by Stephen J. Bailey.

Stephen J. Bailey is a Fort Wayne native and the owner of PH Digital that was founded in 2006. Based out of the Anthony Wayne Building in downtown Fort Wayne, he specializes in web development, SEO development, social media management, and digital marketing campaigns with numerous companies in northeast Indiana. Stephen loves road trips, sushi, his pups, and spending time on our three rivers.
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